Eli Pariser talking about “Filter Bubbles”

(From his “Ted Talk”) – As web companies strive to tailor their services (including news and search results) to our personal tastes, there’s a dangerous unintended consequence: We get trapped in a “filter bubble” and don’t get exposed to information that could challenge or broaden our worldview. Eli Pariser argues powerfully that this will ultimately prove to be bad for us and bad for democracy.

Below is the TED Talk, if you want to see the whole page and his other talks, click here.

What Eli Pariser is talking about is the concept of the news or content is no longer static, is is being shipped to you filtered by the providers view of your leanings. Every click is recorded and the content providers, let’s not forget the marketers, are building a very detailed profile of your life. Sort of like your Safeway card knows what you buy uses that information for trends but on a more personal scale.

In his opinion, two people can do a search for the same thing on the same search engine and get different results. What I got out of this is that the information is being sent to you and you might not know you are missing something inportant. In his video he had two friends Google Eygpt recently. One had no protests and the other was filled with stories about it, and this was while it was happening. That to me is scary.

Major dollars are being spent on how to personalize your web experience, you can even have virtual models display clothes in your size, get feeds of your hometown news, etc. According to Parsier, the government will get involved at some point. The current laws on personal information are 20 years old. There are multi-million dollar businesses being built right now on the intimate details of our lives.


Recently on CNN they did a story on Pariser and his “Filter Bubbles”. He came forth with his theory that the Internet is too polarized because of current technology and it’s tools. Basically, it is a story pushing his new book and it is a good read describing how technology is making it easier to find things online that we would be interested in. Unfortunately, according to Pariser, it “is a silent subtle bubble that isolates users from new discoveries and insights thast may fall outside or their (us) usual tastes and interests.”

He went on to talk about how Facebook and Google use our data collected over time. They started in essense saying “We know you better that you.” I personally have discovered this when searching of something at a local store only to find links to online stores and distributors everywhere but where I wanted. They don’t get local since I have a history of buying online.

He currently has a book out entitled “The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You”

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