
Musings of Everyday Life is what I call my take on what I see in life. Sometimes questioning and sometimes venting. Some are just plain weird.

The end of the world as we know it

The end of the world as we know it

No, not a REM song, Boeing has set forth the stuff a lot of science fiction movies are based on, eradicating the life out of electronics. They have come up with a missile, that instead of blowing up the target, sends a huge burst of microwave energy instead. This has the effect of shutting down […]

If we don’t – Remember me.

This has go to be the best blog I have ever seen. No thinking, just visual fun. Just go there and look. If You Don’t Remember Me is the name of the site and you can click on the link and see an image on the full post. The photos are gif files, which by default […]

Eli Pariser talking about "Filter Bubbles"

Eli Pariser talking about “Filter Bubbles”

(From his “Ted Talk”) – As web companies strive to tailor their services (including news and search results) to our personal tastes, there’s a dangerous unintended consequence: We get trapped in a “filter bubble” and don’t get exposed to information that could challenge or broaden our worldview. Eli Pariser argues powerfully that this will ultimately […]