Ferret books are so wrong!

We love Chocolate!We have four ferrets and they do things on a regular basis that challenge every book we have ever read on ferret care. For instance, the other day we left our house for a bit, came home and watched TV. What we did not know was that one of our ferrets, Sammi, had sneaked out while we left. She is a master at the art of trying to get to the great outdoors and somehow knows when we are leaving. We normally catch her and toss her back inside.

The ferrets are usually asleep during the day and we didn’t notice she was gone. Imagine my surprise when I went outside and saw her patiently sitting on the step waiting to come inside.

The books all say ferrets, if they get out, will keep on going and not look back. The belief is they don’t have the ability to remember where home is. Our ferrets are cage free and wander the house when they please. They hide toys and know where they put them. They know where the treats are kept. They know our sleep and work habits and will wake us before the alarm clock does. I disgree with the books, as evidenced by our ferrets coming home. Sammi is not the only one to get out and come back. Nibbles, another ferret of ours, was out many times and knew where home was. I once saw her climbing up the screen door trying to get inside.

Sammi was dirty from digging in the dirt but okay. She looked at me like “what took you so long?”

My belief is the book writers only deal with caged ferrets, which is the norm. I think now I might just write an alternative ferret book.

BTW, our ferrets love Frosted Flakes and will fight us to eat them. They also love ice cream.

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